Fighting the Coronavirus Pandemic in Vancouver
Vancouver has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. While we at 911 Restoration have no doubt that our community will recover, we know it’s going to take effort from every one of us. Now is the time to band together and be vigilant for the sake of ourselves, our families, and our neighbors.
Coronavirus spreads through respiratory droplets. These droplets are released into the air through coughing, sneezing, and even speech. When respiratory droplets land on a surface, the virus contained can live for hours or even days depending on the surface material. In other words, we’re dealing with an extremely resilient and highly contagious virus.
It’s important to note that you do not have to show symptoms of coronavirus in order to spread illness. In fact, those who are exposed to coronavirus may not show signs of infection for up to 14 days. This is why social distancing measures have been put into place all over the globe. You never know for sure if you carry the virus, which means you cannot be certain whether you are at risk of spreading it.
While it is true that many individuals safely recover from coronavirus at home, it is still a miserable illness. It is also potentially fatal for some, especially those who are over the age of 60 or immunocompromised. Do not use your own anxiety levels as a gauge for how vigilant you should be against coronavirus. You may not worry about surviving infection. But your choices influence those around you who do.
Stay home as much as you can. Wear a cloth mask when going out and give those around you six feet of space. Wash your hands often and disinfect surfaces and high-touch objects.
For added reassurance, consider calling 911 Restoration of Vancouver for professional deep cleaning. We serve private residences as well as commercial facilities that must maintain strict disinfection practices. Our service area includes Vancouver and the surrounding communities. All members of our staff are trained to follow CDC and EPA protocols. They are diligent, thorough, and compassionate.
At a time when so much remains uncertain, we want you to know that you can count on us. Call 911 Restoration of Vancouver anytime.