What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a group of six naturally occurring minerals made of soft, flexible fibers that are heat-resistant.
In Canada, until 1990, asbestos was mainly used for insulating buildings against cold weather and noise. It was also used for fireproofing.
If you don’t know where you may find this group of minerals in your home, we have a list showing where the industry, construction, and commercial sectors have used asbestos in:
- cement and plaster
- industrial furnaces and heating systems
- vermiculite attic insulation
- asbestos duct wrap
- vinyl tiles
- ceiling texture
- drywall mud
- house siding, and others
Some parts of the car can also be made of it, like brake pads and vehicle transmission components.
How Asbestos can affect your health?
You can be exposed to asbestos when a home or building is being renovated or demolished. Asbestos fibres release into the air during this process. Breathing in these fibres can cause cancer and other diseases, such as:
- asbestosis: scarring of the lungs, which makes it difficult to breathe
- mesothelioma: a rare type of cancer of the abdominal cavity
- lung cancer
Asbestos Abatement
Asbestos Abatement is the process of Removing Asbestos carefully, wearing protective gear to avoid contact and exposure that could compromise someone’s health.
In the list below, check out what you must not do when handling materials that contain Asbestos:
- scraping
- brushing
- rubbing
- cutting
The best choice is always to hire a professional abatement company to remove the asbestos under full containment and following all the safety protocols set out by WorksafeBC and the province of British Columbia.
If you live in another province, find out what are the regulations for your province or territory.
You can find information about products containing Asbestos and Regulation in Canada through these links: